Trauma Informed Leadership for Hybrid Workspaces

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In today’s podcast episode we interview Erica Reed, Trauma Informed Leadership Expert at ENR Training and Consulting. Erica’s company offers training, consulting, and therapy  for managing and implementing workplace wellness. Today’s podcast focuses on the recognition, awareness, and tools associated with trauma informed leadership–techniques which help teams work effectively from Anywhere.  

What Surprised Erica Over the Last 2 Years

Erica was surprised at how well and not-well people responded to change. Leaders expected workers to immediately dance with the music and adapt quickly to changes. When Covid first hit, people in organizations amazingly pivoted to virtual environments and difficult conditions. But what leaders soon learned was that a new way of leadership was necessary to sustain the changes. Leaders slowly had to create safe and engaging work environments that supported the management of stress, anxiety, and well-being.   

What are the 3E’s of Trauma?

Trauma is defined as a frightening or stressful event that a person experiences in his or her life. Trauma can be further explained through the three (3) E’s listed below. 

  1. Event – The actual circumstances in which there is an extreme threat of physical or psychological harm in the workplace.
  2. Experience – This is how the individual assigns meaning to the event that he or she has gone through in the workplace.
  3. Effect – This pertains to the reaction of an individual to a certain event or experience which may have adverse effects manifesting physically or psychologically in the workplace environment.

Trauma Informed Leadership for Hybrid Workspaces

Most leaders wonder how they can implement trauma informed leadership without having any formal training like psychotherapists. Erica noted that leaders should conduct regular check-ins and exhibit the following three characteristics when helping team members deal with trauma. 

  1. Empathy – The ability of a leader to really go down the rabbit hole with the team member. 
  2. Mindfulness – Being able to say with intention the right words at the right time.
  3. Understanding – The ability of a leader to give consideration to team members.

Self-Awareness: Important Element of Emotional Intelligence

Another important ingredient for being a trauma informed leader is the capacity for introspection. Leaders must be able to reflect and ask themselves the following questions: What am I thinking? What is the narrative I am telling myself? What is this conversation  going to look like? How is it going to  flow? What are my own anxieties that I need to manage?  With this kind of mental preparation, leaders can offer psychologically safe spaces where team members can share  their concerns.

Who is Erica N. Reed?

As founder of ENR Training and Consulting, LLC, Erica brings over 25 years of experience as a Psychotherapist and Corporate Trainer to help managers become inclusive leaders with higher levels of emotional intelligence, improved communication skills, and the ability to optimize the unique strengths of employees. Using a Trauma Informed Leadership LENS, Erica provides training, coaching, and consulting services. This perspective considers the unique lived experiences of the workforce and how stress and trauma impact an organization’s culture of belonging and psychological safety. Additionally, Erica’s experience as a college professor provides a unique understanding of adult learning styles and trainings are designed so everyone in attendance is able to easily understand and immediately implement the actionable strategies provided.

To learn more about trauma informed leadership, download this episode now.

Online Courses for Leaders Leading a Team From Anywhere:

Check out these online courses for remote leaders from the Team Anywhere Team.

How to Be an Effective Remote Manager | How to Build Virtual Accountability

Trauma Informed Leadership Quotes

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