Mitch Simon


From an Executive 
with a hunch 

to San Diego’s Top Executive Coach who started helping other executives build amazing high-performance teams.

My PhilosophyMy StoryShort BiographySpeaker Bio

Looking to Get Results for your team?

We produce results like:

Increased Revenue

Like a commercial real estate brokerage team who moved from individuals earning several thousands of dollars to team leaders earning several millions of dollars in annual commissions in a company recognized by Forbes as one of America’s best employers.

Culture of Excelence

Like the Scientists at a national laboratory who transformed from being individual contributors to working together to achieve top notch reviews from their government sponsors.

Leading in Your Industry

Like a construction company who moved from last position to first position in profitability through my leadership development program.

How We Achieve Results Through My Philosophy

Leadership development happens in Teams.

Leaders don’t develop in a classroom. They shouldn’t be sent away from their team to “develop.” And they shouldn’t be sent to HR to “develop.”
The Problem With Leadership Development Today

Companies that want highly effective, entrepreneurial teams, need to rethink their approach to leadership development. The problem with leadership development today is that there’s not enough focus on the team.

Today, it’s “normal” for leaders to develop away from their teams. Inside most of these leadership development programs leaders are crippled with information, not provoked to take on new actions outside the classroom, and they miss out on critical feedback from their team.

A NEW Approach
High-performing companies encourage TEAM-centered leadership development. As leadership teams develop together, they build trust, connection, accountability, and achieve new results.

Over the years, I’ve developed a reputation for coaching with rigor and compassion. 
The way I challenge leaders and teams, some, even many may not like. If you like to live in your own reality, and not be challenged to think in a different mindset, my coaching and training may not be for you. But if you KNOW that being REAL with yourself is the path to success, and you want to lead in your industry, I just may become your new best friend.

Leadership Development is a 4-Dimensional Experience
With this team-centered approach, Leadership development becomes a 4-dimensional experience. Learning through these four dimensions, leaders walk away with more than just “knowing more information.”
They don’t just learn, they transform. They have new conversations, they take on new actions, they build new relationships, and they build new mindsets.

Dimension #1: In Conversation

Effective leaders have rare – yet highly effective conversations.
To develop this, Leaders need to practice having conversations that they’ve never had before.

Dimension #2: In Taking New Actions

Effective leaders take on new actions and are aware of their own leadership presence.
To do this, leaders need to practice new actions in and be accountable to taking on new actions outside of the classroom.
Dimension #3: In Relationship with Others

Leaders build deep, meaningful relationships.
To do this, leaders need to learn new strategies to deepen relationships.

Dimension #4: In the Mind
Effective leaders have growth mindsets. They are able to curiously observe new ideas they are confronted with.
To do this, we confront leaders with questions and ideas that increase the leader’s self awareness.

Connect with Me

Here’s My Story

About how one hike changed my life and I came back into the corporate world to create unstoppable teams.

There I was, Director of Strategic Planning, in the boardroom of a Fortune 500 company, with a gut feeling that things weren’t going as well as they seem. The company I was working with was headed for extinction, I knew it, I screamed it. The company, on the verge of extinction today, didn’t listen.

I had hired an incredible team, a team that was suffering under the weight of bureaucracy, hubris, seriousness, and inauthenticity, and for some reason I knew that I could give them something better.

So, I took it upon myself to lead my team on a team retreat. I had never been on a team retreat. I had never met a coach. But I had listened to a tape set from Tony Robbins. I decided we were going to engage in a life changing adventure…climb Mt. San Jacinto…the hard way.

Our climb was grueling.

My goal was to climb for an hour, have transformational conversations for a few minutes, and climb again. The trail was brutal. Our route included climbing for 5 minutes, conversing for an hour, and then climbing again. My team struggled. My team was exhausted. Yet together we transformed the others’ lives.

My teammates were confused. We were asking big questions and we were challenging each others’ mindsets. Nicole mentioned that we were discussing things her mother, her boyfriend, and her closest friends never asked? She thought I was crazy. What were we doing? I had no idea. I had never done this before.

But I began to realize I wanted to spend my life creating great teams, that created this greatness through these conversations.

Shortly therafter, I had the opportunity to climb Mt. Rainier with 12 executive coaches. As I was climbing, they were asking me questions that rattled my soul.

Asking me things like…
“Are you 100% satisfied with your professional life, your romantic life, with your current level of performance?”
“Are you engaging 100% in what you are truly passionate about?”
“Are you taking enough risks, or have you created a life where you are too comfortable?”

These guys were in my face. They were confrontational. They were rigorous. I wanted them to go away.

I left Mt. Rainier a different person that day. I knew that the corporate world needed conversations like these to build their strongest teams, to challenge their teammates to take greater risks, and to create relationships of trust where people are committed to each others’ professional and personal success.

The corporate world needs help learning how to really lead.

They need help engaging employees, strengthening teams, and creating authentic relationships. I left the corporate world, went to coaching school and founded the Simon Leadership Alliance. Within 18 months, I was doing what I love to do best…build strong, unbeatable teams made up of hungry, voracious, young energetic leaders. I love the dynamics that occur in team development, and specialize in making teams stronger, more effective and more productive than when I met them.

Let’s Connect

Get in touch with me about developing your company today. I’d love to see how I can help!

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