how to engage remote employees team anywhere leadership podcast episode 10

How to Engage Remote Employees

Learn how to engage remote employees with Anne Maltese.

In a recent study of workplace engagement, Quantum Workplace studied 1.2 million employees and contrasted engagement scores from March-May 2019 with engagement scores from March-May 2020.

This is what they found:

路 Engagement Scores SPIKED from 2019 to 2020.

路 Employees enjoyed the dramatic growth in effective communication.

路 Employees enjoyed managers who are demonstrating care for their well-being.

路 Employees like working from home.

路 Employees enjoy greater levels of clarity.

One of the takeaways is that distance has provided the following:

路 Greater necessity for transparency from leaders.

路 Greater necessity for visibility by all co-workers into what you are working on, and how you are doing.

路 Greater necessity to feel trusted by managers and the company.