Transcript How to Honor People’s Emotions

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Mitch Simon 0:10
Welcome to another episode of team anywhere where CEOs, leaders and experts are building teams, companies, organizations and amazing cultures

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 0:21
share how to lead from anywhere in the world. I’m your co host on the East Coast chicken Bianca Mathis,

Mitch Simon 0:28
and I’m your co host on the West Coast, Mitch Simon. And we invite you to join us team anywhere.

In today’s episode of team anywhere we interview Brian Fox, founder and CEO of nimble learning strategies. Brian uses many of the principles of improv to connect deeply with the emotions of teammates. Since attention, connection and acceptance are crucial, especially right now. One of the most important rules of improv is to accept whatever is happening, whatever it is. In today’s challenging environment, the greatest thing a leader or team member can do is to accept and connect to what is going on with everyone else on the other side of the screen, and to demonstrate empathy. Another major concept of improv is to make your partner look good. Today’s leaders given technology and separation must rethink of themselves as talk show hosts. Great hosts are purposeful, interested, entertaining, flexible, and create a great mood of candor, and fun. I’m sure you will enjoy Brian’s energy, ideas and insight on this episode of team anywhere. Welcome to another episode of team anywhere. And today we’re excited to have Brian Fox, founder and CEO of nimble learning strategies. In today’s episode, we’re going to focus on how to better interact with our teams, especially now that most teams are 100% virtual. I met Brian Fox when he was leading a breakout session at the global institute for leadership development two years ago in Palm Desert. I love his energy, his insights and his ability to just have fun. So welcome, Brian.

Unknown Speaker 2:28
Welcome, Brian. Thank you, Jenny. Thank you, Mitch. It’s great. I’m excited to be here. Excited to get to chat with you both. Mitch, good to see you again. hear your voice. Jenny. Nice to meet you.

Mitch Simon 2:40
Great, thanks, Brian. Let’s just kick it off. Because we know that one of the reasons why we want to have you on the podcast is you have a special approach to strengthening teams, and your approaches is a yes. And approach. And can you tell us more about what that is? Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 2:57
So at nimble learning strategies, we help individuals teams and leaders improve how they communicate, how they collaborate, how they lead. And the twist is that as your reference, we’re used the principles of improvisational theater as a way to channel that, and to improve individual growth to improve group development, and overall organizational success. So obviously, those are kind of huge buckets, right, communicate, collaborate, lead. Those are just vital in any organization at any time. But especially now, right, the moment right now that we’re all living through. And the future that’s going to happen in the next several months and years, requires us to be more intentional, and to be more focused and present. And so we really use these ideas of improvisational that tenants in the techniques of improv, to dive deep with people so they can be more adaptive, they can be more courageous, resilient, engaging, so that they can be more creative. So they can, they can actually have a relationship with their colleagues, and not have just transactions with their colleagues. And a lot and we can get into this later. But you know, more and more research is showing that relationships are sort of on a down curve, unfortunately. And we need to, we need to bring that back up. So anyway, so that’s, that’s what we’re doing around that. And, you know, if you do that with individuals, you do that with teams, and the organization thrives and the organization has more engagement, it has more trust, and that leads to more, you know, inclusion, retention, and then that leads to more agility, innovation, and ultimately, more growth. So that’s, that’s what what I’m up to over at nimble learning strategies.

Mitch Simon 4:30
I know a little bit about improv actually, Ryan, I know. I took your class, right? And I do I do know that in improv a lot. In fact, every good scene is based on emotion, right? without emotion. There is no C. And so today today, I think and we The other thing we know about improv is that emotion brings life to the scene, you know, set another way. Yeah, I’m wondering today with again with teams being dispersed with with With without the, you know, day to day interaction, are you looking at being better at generating emotions with the team? Are you? Are you looking at being better? understanding what the emotions are of other people on the team and spend spending more time figuring that out? Because I know that when when you walk on stage and improv, your first premonition in improv is what is that person feeling? Like? What is the other person feeling? What is the other person’s attitude? What’s the other person’s approach? What’s the other person’s history? And I was wondering how you’re bringing that to the work that you do?

Unknown Speaker 5:38
Well, as you know, Mitch, that the main term in improv, and Ginny might you may know this guy in the vernacular now is yes and right. It means to accept what’s happening, and add information or at or contribute in some fashion. So I think there’s a little bit of both, I think you, I think you need to when I’m, when I’m coaching my clients on is around. You need to make your partner look good and improv. That’s sort of one of the things you make your partner look good. That’s what Mitch is referring to? And in his question, so that is true, and you need to own who you are. Right? So whatever your character is emotional motional wants or needs, or you have to own that tune, you have to balance that. And so that’s sort of how I look at actually an executive presence is really this idea that it’s an art of balancing, taking care of the needs of others, while owning who you are. And so I think that that, you know, again, you need to use your emotional intelligence. And if you feel like low on that spectrum, then you maybe need to take a course on emotional intelligence. That’s a whole nother topic. But I think being aware of how are the other people feeling? What are your goals? Or what are your wants? How do those match up?

Mitch Simon 6:58
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, Marymount University, Arlington, Virginia School of Business and Technology, innovative solutions, upskilling, for the what’s next and oyster organizational development, dedicated to higher performance, business success, and leveraging teams, they can be found at oyster And finally, we jungo designing customized talent acquisition solutions at we

Unknown Speaker 7:36
I think there’s this idea that you Yes, you have to be aware of the other person, but also still, how do you hold on to what you need in that moment. And there, there are ways to do that, to have authenticity, to have intimacy, to have relationship to have trust, but you have to be flexible in those moments. So

Mitch Simon 7:53
you’re bringing favorite and thank you is is this is this is a this is a an extraordinary time is not ordinary, that a lot of us. I’m actually reading the book together, which is a book about how lonely everybody is. And I guess if a book were called how lonely everybody is, no one would have bought it. And what you’re what I’m hearing you say is you’re using the the improv principles to not only get very, very centered and to understand where you are, like where you personally are, through this current situation, not avoid, I might be feeling sad, sad, or separated or separate or excited, right. And at the same time, as an improv principle is to just get very open and into really listen for where other people are. Now, what’s very interesting, Brian, of course, is we should have done that already. Before COVID. Correct. It’s just that what I’m finding ironic is now that we’re all a part, we really need to focus on uncovering together. And if you have any comments around that,

Unknown Speaker 9:09
yeah. It isn’t a huge irony. irony. Right? I think that you listen, there was I don’t know the exact percentages, but you know, many teams are already virtual Twister an extent before. Right. But, you know, my experience, they weren’t doing it very well, to begin with. Right. And and this goes for even even before technology, right? People have been having meetings. I don’t know, since Jesus and the apostles sat at the table. We’ve been doing, you know, some doing well, some of them not so not so well. So I think that there’s there’s been issues like this for a long time. And now this again, ironic that we’re going to deal with it now using technology. So I think the biggest thing, whether you’re in person or whether you’re doing it over some sort of virtual platform, is really leaning into references really leaning into empathy. And so I look at this I look at what some of the basic guidelines of improvisation. And then how do I apply those to empathy. So I have six, six steps to empathy, relative coming from, from an improv point of view that really anybody can use. So first of all, is listen with your whole self, even though you’re behind the screen, and you have to look in that little dot that web camera, and you’re seeing your partner only in a small little screen. How can you do this with your whole self, listen with your ears, your eyes, your gut, your heart. Right? That’s number one. Number two is embrace the silence. Right? In an in person meeting, we can toggle talk over each other a little bit. And it’s still okay. But when you do that, on zoom, or even a conference call, or whatever platform you’re on, it gets really muddy really fast. So allowing that silence to be there, as whether you’re listening for personal stress or professional stress, or just to solve a problem, and break that silence so that you’re doing two things at that time, when you embrace that sounds, you’re giving yourself time to absorb what that what you heard from the other person, you’re giving that other person time for them to hear themselves. Nine times out of 10, we’re, we’re thinking out loud anyway. Right? Because we are improvising because we don’t have a script, even if we have our agenda for a meeting. Right? So let that other person absorb what they are actually saying. So in that silence, and then I think from there, you need to do four more things, what I call the four A’s, one, accept what is presented to you, and accept that as that person’s truth, if you’re dealing with their feelings, you may not agree with it, and may not be how you feel. But that’s that person’s truth. Right? If they’re coming with you at with facts about a project or a budget, then you also have to accept that that is maybe not how you see it. But that is a truth. That is what I’m not talking about alternative facts don’t get political but, but like that they’re coming to you with a certain perspective, and you have to accept that, whether you agree with it or not, then I think there’s a point in point number four is really acknowledging their thoughts and feelings. Again, whether you’re you’re doing feelings, you definitely need to acknowledge where they’re coming from, from a family point of view, if they still have certain thoughts or ideas or perspectives, you would just want to acknowledge that you’ve heard them, right. And then number five is to appreciate and appreciate something positive about that person, right? A value that they’re standing up for, that they trusted you to share. Just that you just you know, share their own feelings, whatever it may be, again, whether it’s facts or feelings. And I think if you’re, if you’re doing that appreciate it appreciation piece, it holds you, if it prevents you from getting into judgment, it helps you avoid judgment. And then finally, I would say avoid giving advice, at least initially. And I would say to just stop, just don’t even don’t even and just just allow that moment to breathe a little bit. And then from there, you can go into what are the possibilities? How can we make this happen, or whatever it may be, if it’s if it’s a project based thing, it’s a feeling thing, then truly just about acknowledging them and letting them and just bear witness to it. You don’t have to give advice on that. And I would say even if they asked you for advice, I would I would be very gentle and and hold off on giving your opinion. I would ask them what do they think? What’s what is their gut telling them to do? What are the Why did they see the project unfolding, whatever it may be, I would sort of get them to talk more first before you start spouting off your advice, because that’ll it’ll help them think out loud. and nine times out of 10. People just want to solve their own problems anyway, they don’t really want to be helped. And number two, it’ll help you better understand what how they see the problem, or how they see themselves or see and understand their feelings, whatever you’re dealing with. So that that’s how I would sort of embrace that. And again, I think this goes another topic. But we’re we’re in this world where I think we’re all kind of denying.

Unknown Speaker 14:06
We’re still haven’t fully accepted that we’re living in a virtual world and we will for quite some time, at least here in the States. And that people are Oh, it’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. I don’t like it, at least for the extroverts out there. Maybe some introverts do. And if you do these kinds of things that we’re talking about, you can have authenticity and relationship and trust. You just have to reply, it’s

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 14:33
awkward. Yeah. Practice it, practice it, practice it, and it becomes.

Mitch Simon 14:39
Yeah, um, you know, Brian, when I’m when I’m really reminded, first of all, I acknowledge you for that. That was that was beautiful. That was really, really helpful for for listeners. One of the key principles for if maybe the biggest principle for improv is accept right it’s you know, it’s it’s an improv one on one class or improv point one class is, whatever, whatever someone throws at you accept it. And yes, and what what usually happens is with with beginning improvisers, is they they, they don’t listen, they don’t accept. And the scene is blown from the very, very beginning. Late Night, what I do find is missing. And I’m going to ask you this question is my next question. What is missing out there? Is that what’s what’s beautiful, at least in the business meetings that we’ve had, and the sessions that we’ve had is the the grand acceptance of our of everyone’s reality, whether it’s their emotions, or their life situation? Or as you’re pointing out, Brian, I really scared that for the next month, or year or two, or I don’t know that this is my reality, which is, as, as listeners can’t see, but we’re, you know, we’re connected over a zoom line, and we’re looking at each other’s, you know, houses. And I just, I just wanted to see your comments, your observations around your thinking around how do we accept this current situation such that we can be more effective and more productive, and more human? as, as we work together on teams and in companies?

Unknown Speaker 16:36
Thank you for the question.

Unknown Speaker 16:39
I think that

Unknown Speaker 16:43
we are checked by empathy. I think beyond that, I think that there, what we’re not doing enough of, is accepting that accepting reality we’re living in. I think that we’re not bringing enough that in some of the visual controversial conversations I’m in and meetings and things of that nature, both professionally and personally, like if I’m, you know, I’m, I sit on committees to volunteer and things like that.

Unknown Speaker 17:09
People are taking things for granted.

Unknown Speaker 17:12
Right, they’re taking for granted this virtual medium that we’re in. And so, if I’m trying, if I’m trying to cue me, if I’m a leader, I’m trying to communicate, you may communicate my vision for this project that we’re working on. But then I’m looking at the zoom screen or whatever platform you’re on Microsoft Teams wherever. And, and it looks like a bad version of The Brady Bunch, right? You know, we’re doing podcasts, but like, can you can imagine, right? One screen, someone’s looking down at their cell phone, right? You know, like Peter Peters looking at his cell phone. And you know, Jane is looking off at her second screen because she’s checking email and right, like, it’s just like, bat and then you know, you know, Marsha is not even on her screen or screen just says march on it. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, right, like, so. That’s good. Thank you very much. I’ll be here all night. But like, I think there’s like this, we’re just taking that for granted. And we’re and, and we already did that in person a little bit. Right? But I think we’re even we’re transferring that in the virtual room. So if we’re not, if we’re on a virtual call, and if we’re not paying attention to that webcam, so that we’re making eye contact, and, and showing demonstrating that we’re listening to our colleagues, our, you know, supervisors, or maybe, then it deflates, that person who’s speaking. It makes them feel like they don’t, they may not acknowledge it, they’re not i’m not saying they’re crying in bed at night. But in that moment, there is that nuance that we all want to connect. If we’re not seeing those eyeballs, we’re not feeling connected to people, then we don’t feel heard. And that is can be frustrating. And so I think that that is one thing that we’re taking for granted. And then it’s like this circle thing, because people go well, it feels awkward. I feel this getting like connected. Well, yeah. Because you’re not paying attention. You’re not having intention, and you’re not paying attention. So I think that those are the things that in a small way people can need to do more of in any platform you’re on with any team, you need to pay attention and make eye contact. Even when you’re new. It’s awkward because right you’re not you’re not you’re looking at the camera. So technically right now I’m looking at the camera. Again, our listeners can’t see this. But you I’m sure anybody who’s seen it knows one time I do look at the camera. So therefore I’m not looking at Jenny’s face. Right, right, look down at Jamie’s face which is below mine, then my head would be done. Right? But you’ve got to you’ve got to practice that and get better at sort of bounce it out. You have to do 100% of time, but like a 6040 split. Sometimes I’m looking at Jenny’s face to get her verbal cue. Sometimes I’m looking at the camera so that she feels like I’m actually communicating with them.

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 19:42
And it also sounds to me and knit you’ll notice and she took the class I had it. Lots of synergy with emotional intelligence and with coaching, right coaching kinds of skill sets dialogue. So if you’re going to use this as a leader Like you said, you’re coaching your particular leader. There is some learning about here’s the structure. Here’s how you can take these skills and use them over here. Yes. And it’s breaking down that wall of, no, I just want to run back to what I did before and reach a comfort level of moving. No, no, you can do this. You just have to practice it and become just as good.

Unknown Speaker 20:33

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 20:34
And it sounds like that is what you’re trying to help folks do? Absolutely. I think that

Unknown Speaker 20:41
there’s lots of talk out there that because of the way social media is that every every brand, whether you’re an individual entrepreneur, consultant to major corporations, every brand has to become their own media company. That’s happening in social and social media world now. Right? In order to build relationships to connect to sell whatever you want to do. Nonprofits as well, right. So I, I take that a step further for individuals, that we all have to be a talk show host.

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 21:19
interesting analogy. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 21:21
My favorite talk shows of the day currently is Stephen Colbert. I think Stephen Colbert has actually struggled. In the COVID times, he’s actually has not done as well, as some of the others have. john oliver, his format was already sort of set up for COVID. So he didn’t have to change as much. Right? That’s true. Right. But Stephen Colbert, if you notice, now, I’m a big fan of Stephen Colbert, in his house, just in the last week, he’s now in a mini studio in his building with just like four crew members or something like that. The way he’s telling jokes, he’s lighting up the world. He’s completely different. Now, he was telling jokes for his wife and his sons and daughters. So there’s still some life in it. But it was different than his fellow writers and producers who have a different perspective on this idea of building a talk show. Very interesting. Yeah. So let’s take them for me. He’s the executive producer, and he is the talk show host. I think we all have to be executive producers and talk shows what I mean by that I have and those are all pre planned. Right? If he has a guest on, he knows what questions he’s going to ask. He’s going to ask them about their vacation. He’s going to ask him about what charity they’re donating to now, and you know, what movie they’re promoting? or whatever it is, right? That’s all planned? Yep. So you go into that virtual meeting, you have to be planning, not just an agenda, but like, what’s not so much a script? But what are the talking points where your questions, what are you hoping that they might say, etc, etc. So that’s one aspect of it. I think he’s got a, he’s got to make friends with the camera. He’s got to be comfortable, being connected to that camera. So we all have to be comfortably comfortable being with that camera. And, and then last but not least, like, I think of all the, this is more pre COVID. But even happens now I think when he does his zoom calls, he’s the bat because he’s as an improv background, he went through Second City in Chicago, he is great at whatever comes up, unplanned from the, from the guest, to spin on a moment, and then ask a follow up question or make or lay a story of his own that relates to that person, right? How can we share stories, not in a way of trumping another person, but relating to that other person? Right, so how can we how can we tell stories with one another, in order to build those conversations and those and those, those connections? Again, again, it’s not sorry, time around the fire, like we’re camping, but storytime of like, for purpose? How do I want to share a story as a business leader, that communicates a message to my, my peers and other departments or my direct reports, or wherever, maybe, and you’re sharing yourself in that way? So I think, I think we need to start thinking ourselves as, as talk show hosts. And one last thing I’ll say about that, going back to the listening, if you’re, if you’re a good talk show host you’re truly listening to that guest, even though you have that plan, you’re truly listening. And if you’re truly listening, then you can then improvise in the moment about what comes next, even if it’s not necessarily part of the script. has a good example.

Unknown Speaker 24:19
There was a moment with Stephen Colbert and

Unknown Speaker 24:23
Robert DeNiro, this couple years back, and he said, You know, you’re you’re good with good with silence. You don’t really talk a lot. And then they had this then they in Italy, maybe maybe they didn’t plan it, but it seemed improvised where they said, Okay, let’s just have a moment of awkward silence. And they just sat there very, very quietly for literally a minute on TV on a corporate TV. That never happens a minute of dead air. But he Stephen Colbert went with it anyway. So I think that that he was listening and he knew his guest and he knew what he could. He could he could play off of because he knew his guest well, and you have to know your team. Well, so how can you play off of them? Well, how can you share the stories etc.

Mitch Simon 25:02
So I can see Brian, I can see your next book, you know, how to talk show hosts meaning, and I really appreciate that as I think about the meetings that I’ve been leading. It’s, it’s that, again, if we go pre COVID meetings, everyone knew everything about meetings, and then we’re pretty, pretty bad still, now that your meetings are virtual, I do see that you’re looking for, there’s an agenda. There’s also though, they the purposeful kind of activity, this purpose for listening, there’s purposeful, creating a certain mood or a feeling, this also being being very flexible. And but but but at the end of the day, yeah, you are producing, directing, and starring in your own late night, TV, ciao. And that, you know, Ginny, and I have spoken a lot about how I really do believe that the managers of now in the future, will have to be great entertainers. And there will be those of us who say, but I don’t want to be an entertainer. And and what would you say to that, Brian?

Unknown Speaker 26:10
I would say Tough luck. That’s right. That’s what I say. And I think I think Listen, I think, like, if you think about the office, right, the Michael Scott character of the American version, or Ricky dervishes character, from the British version, you don’t want to be that entertainer, you don’t want to be the guy who’s like, doing lame dad jokes to the point where people are bored and upset, and you’re wasting people’s time. Right? That’s, I don’t think that’s what you’re implying at all. And I think that people, you need to be entertaining, and educational. And I think that you need to find out what works for you. So if you’re an introvert, maybe you’re not, you know, how I’m doing gags. But how can you it doesn’t mean you still can’t be even as introvert doesn’t mean you can’t, you can’t tell a brief, meaningful, perhaps even joyous story about really from your career. Right? Right. And, and in two or three minutes. So I think that everybody has the capability about it, just about learning the skills to do it, learning how

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 27:11
to O’Brian that there’s, you know, learning the skills and being open to learning the skills. Some of the leaders that we’ve spoke, that I’ve spoken to, you know, have already just blocked themselves off. They’re just waiting for the new normal. But I love what both you and Mitch, have emphasized and you explained it so well, at the same time. And leaders have to do this all the time. They have to be more organized, and build that infrastructure for how they’re going to do their show. Yeah. And by doing that, that allows them then the flexibility to pivot and deal more with the emotions and the topics and the goal of the meeting. Yes, and holding both of those agendas. You know, take some skill and talent. What I love about what you’re saying is you’re giving them a role. And I think that’s a gift because a lot of leaders right now are going well, what’s my role now? Mm hmm. And you just did it?

Unknown Speaker 28:21
Thank you. I think I just tagged with Mitch said earlier, and now and what you’re saying, Jenny, in terms of giving yourself a rule, bringing all this together? Excuse me. This is sort of more from traditional acting than from improv. But, you know, if you’re a traditional actor, and you’re using a script, then what what you typically do is we call beat it out, like you, you understand what are the beats in the script, the beginning, middle and end of each scene? Right? And what are my emotions at the beginning of the scene, the middle of a scene and the end of the scene based on what do I think my character wants from the other character? So let’s translate that for a minute. So if you have your agenda, and you’re the team lead, from the beginning of the meeting, to the middle of the meeting, to the end of the meeting, what are the emotions that you want to elicit in your team? What do you want them to feel? So in that you take your agenda, and you’ve sent out your agenda in advance, so everyone knows what’s coming? They know the script to and then you have your own version, or you figure out what’s the emotion I want, and being in the meeting, why I want to welcome people I want people to feel at ease on the field. You know, like we’re connected, whatever that may be to us. Maybe one, maybe two, three, whatever those motions are in the first few bullets. And then the middle. I want to, I want to raise the stakes. I want to not frighten them. But I want to, I want to startle them a little bit, because we really have to dig in here on this project. And at the end, I want to I want to empower them or I want to I want to praise them or whatever it may be like, how do you want them to feel throughout the meeting and figure out what are those emotions? And then how do you get yourself, get yourself there. Now granted, you can’t take a full acting class, but there are ways to think about if you have a certain intention. And focus on that that can come through in your voice, and in your eye contact and things of that nature. That’s a whole art in itself. And we can talk about that for the time. But that that’s that’s sort of one small thing to think about.

Mitch Simon 30:14
All right. Great. So let me ask her last question. Sure. And then when I asked her asked question, last question on the other side. So now what we’re saying is that as a leader, we are more of a talk show host. We’re more of a getting engaging producer, director. How do we want to think about the people that work for us? Are they audience? Are they clients? Are they customers? You know, what do we want to think about them? Because again, an improv is we’re, you know, building relationship, we have to kind of determine, who are we building relationship to? So how do you see leadership? Now in this virtual space? How do you see leaders seeing the people that they serve?

Unknown Speaker 30:58
Great question. I think that

Unknown Speaker 31:01
let’s start with like your own rule, right? Like, what do you see your own rule as as a leader, and that I think will shift moment to moment, sometimes you can plan it, and sometimes to improvise, woman in a coach, one moment, I’m a supervisor, maybe next moment, I’m a confidant, whatever it may be, right? So being aware of sort of what is your role, going into a particular meeting, whether it’s a team meeting, or a one on one? What do you how do you see yourself in that role? And then from there figuring out like, Where’s your audience? Or Who’s your audience, right? Is it a direct report? Is it appear from another department? What do they need? Right? So thinking about it from an audience perspective is one one way to look at it. I think the other way. Once you get past those things, I think another mindset to have is that everyone is my client, and I am a consultant, my job is to make my partner look good. And as a consultant, my job is to make my client look good. So if you think about everybody, you’re interacting with whatever role you have, whether you’re the CEO, or whether you’re the first year, right out of MBA school, right out of the school, everyone is your client, you’re the consultant and you if you study sort of what consultants do and and take that on and pepper in a little improv, that will help you sort of answer the question of what does my audience need? How do I treat my audience member, audience and Iroquois to? Well, you know what, depending on whatever the situation is, great happiness? Well, great, Brian, thank you so much. This has been entertaining. And also insightful. Is there any things you wanted to leave on? And you know, to, I actually just want to, I want to, I want to post this, which is, I think that we need to think about, you know, you mentioned earlier, like people having dinners and team team building things like that. And maybe the events are good, I’m not. I think that there’s also a sort of in between moments. And so how do we add fun into our culture? On a daily or weekly basis, whatever that may be. So, you know, everyone says you need to check in more often in these virtual worlds. So however you set it up individually, or or teams, I think that’s important. And how are you being intentional in those check ins? Like, can you just can you get a little goofy with it, like, describe what you want this look this week to look like in the form of your favorite music, lyric or film, quote, you know, and let the people know in advance, so they don’t have to be on the spot about that, right? They come with your favorite movie, quote, or whatever it may be your song lyric about how they want to the week to look for them, that gives them some inspiration and makes people connect, you share like, Oh, I love that song. I love that movie, whatever, maybe, right? You’re building both the business and the personal connections there, things like that, or, or, you know, if you’re going to do not only these big events, but what can you do just as a team for free, like, all the museums around the world are offering free virtual tours, museums are free virtual tours of Pamplona, go to a city that you’ve never been to go to a museum you’ve never been to, and go on a virtual tour for 15 minutes, and then talk about it. Oh, that’s fun, right? Get business about it, like find a TED talk about a theme that’s around emotional intelligence, or using improv and whatever it may be, and that somehow dotted line to business, but it’s not so strict about strategy, and have a watch party, use the technology of a watch party and then talk about it. Right that that’s a half an hour of your time and 15 minutes watching it. 15 minute talk about our half, you know, maybe 45 minutes. So these are the things that you can do on a daily or weekly basis. That is making those connections that’s building that rapport that’s building that team effort, a team dynamic, that is not just these events that happen once a quarter.

Mitch Simon 34:30
Great. Well, thank you, Brian. Thank you. That was fine. And we would look forward to talking to you soon.

Unknown Speaker 34:39
And great to be with you both. Thank

Ginnie Bianca-Mathis 34:41
you, Brian.

Mitch Simon 34:43
Well, we’ll see you again in the next episode of team anywhere

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