Strategies to Keep Employees Engaged Throughout the Great Resignation

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A great resignation is upon us. Workers are leaving their jobs in droves as they retool and seek lives full of passion. Leaders are left wondering what went wrong and are wondering how they can retain their employees. So what does a leader do in times like this?

On today’s podcast, we interview Raj Subrameyer, tech career strategist and author of Skyrocket Your Career. Raj breaks it down and offers four solutions that provide the key to keeping employees engaged. All of them are based on transparency and clear expectations.

Why are we having a Great Resignation?

There are two major catalysts triggering and sparking the great resignation, according to Raj Subrameyer.

  1. People realized they can work remotely.

A person can be in Hawaii, on vacation, but still get their job done. Online technology has changed the landscape of how work happens and  is done. Because of that, people have adapted to this flexible remote working style and have found it to be convenient.

  1. People realized they have time to retrospect their personal lives and careers. 

With everything changing, people have realized they have to retool their skillset to stay relevant in the industry. The remote work lifestyle is their chance to do that. Another set of people realized that they can pursue their passions and get paid to do it. Either way, people upgraded their skills and became more marketable.

4 Things to Do to Improve Remote Working Balance

Do these 4 things to improve your employees’ remote work balance during the great resignation:

  1. Set clear goals, deadlines and expectations.

Do not assume that employees know exactly what to do. Let them know what they have to do, when they have to do it, and what is expected from them. Clear communication solves more than 50 to 60% of the problem.

  1. Have clarity in the working hours.

Since most of us are working from home, people have created their own schedules to work on personal errands and work duties. Communicate these hours to everyone in your team. It could be from 9am to 2pm. And then from 4pm to 6pm.

  1. Provide maximum support possible.

Employees cannot do their job if they do not have the necessary tools and support. Give them the hardware, the training, and the coaching they need.

Do not try to cut costs in this area.You’ll eventually need to ensure that all workers–in the office or elsewhere–need the tools to get the job done well. If you are stringent in these tools, a huge loss of revenue awaits you on the other end.

  1. Do periodic check-ins with your employees.

Have one-on-ones with your employees. This is important more than ever because it gives you the chance to assess their situations and create a way to help them do their jobs successfully. When you help your employees succeed, the company succeeds as well.

To avoid the Great Resignation, Focus on These 3 Aspects

The landscape has changed. And the tools to effectively work have changed too. Make sure to train your employees on these 3 aspects: 

  1. How to manage distributed teams.

Working remotely means that your staff are no longer limited to just their own time and space. It’s a great way to grow your company, but it can also bring a host of challenges with it.

  1. How to use remote collaboration tools.

There are still those who are not used to technology, especially those in leadership positions.They have to get trained on how to use Zoom, make a screenshot, enable chats, switch to another moderator, and other technology techniques. I know this sounds simple for a lot of people, but it is not common knowledge. 

  1. How to have one-on-one meetings.

A lot of leaders were not in the habit of conducting one-on-one meetings. Now, they realize that one-on-one meetings are necessary to increase engagement and assess problems immediately.  

Who is Raj Subrameyer?

Raj Subrameyer is an international keynote speaker, writer and tech career strategist from Chicago. He helps people to land their dream job and become successful leaders. He is the author of “Skyrocket Your Career,” and founder of ChaiLatte Consulting.

To learn more about the great resignation, download this episode now.

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Online Courses for Leaders Leading a Team From Anywhere:

Check out these online courses for remote leaders from the Team Anywhere Team.

How to Be an Effective Remote Manager | How to Build Virtual Accountability

Great Resignation Quotes:

  • great resignation - people have come to realize that you can work from any remote location now
  • great resignation - people realized their worth
  • great resignation - employers and employees working arrangements
  • how to lead a remote team - provide maximum support to reduce the great resignation
  • leading a remote team - increase one-on-ones

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