how to create intentional meetings team anywhere leadership podcast episode 6

How to Create Intentional Meetings

How to create intentional meetings with Bryan Ware. Bryan is the Assistant Director for cybersecurity at CISA and was the CEO at both Digital Sandbox and Haystax.

In this new world of remote teams, Bryan emphasizes the importance of transparency, intention, and over-communicating. He states that the most important thing you can have in a highly effective team is news traveling fast, especially bad news. Bryan encourages relooking at how, where, and when to have specific meetings. He has implemented senior leadership team on-sites where decision-makers get together (with safety precautions honored) to re-engage the strategy, engage in conflict, and to hold each other accountable.

Bryan notes that charisma is not going to take you as far as it would have Pre-COVID. We use the same camera to speak to our family, friends and leaders. Your team is looking for humility, empathy, trustworthiness and thoughtfulness. Leaders will need to spend the time to be intentional, effective, and really caring.