How Leaders Show Their Teams Appreciation | Give the gift of appreciation this season | Simon Leadership Alliance | San Diego CA

How Leaders Show Appreciation To Their Teams

‘Tis the season for Appreciation. O.C. Tanner, shared some research last year in their 10-year, 200,000 person study that focused on employee engagement, retention and results that shared some strikingly sad facts on Appreciation. As leaders, we sometimes miss the depths that the role appreciation really has in the workplace. In this study, 79% of people in the United States leave their jobs because they don’t feel appreciated. In fact, they found that 69% of North Americans surveyed don’t even hear one word of recognition during an entire year at work, that is just crazy. In this video/blog, learn the distinction between appreciation and recognition, how to share appreciation with people on your team, and my example of how I appreciate a person on my team.